It’s A Balloon!? Review
It’s a Balloon!? is a game that you might not have heard of but definitely deserves a place on your party game shelf.
It’s a Balloon!? is a game that you might not have heard of but definitely deserves a place on your party game shelf.
Medium, the mind-reading game from Greater Than Games. Medium, like so many of the best party games, is based around a simple concept: How well do you know the person sitting next to you?
It’s a party game, its really easy to learn, and it’s a ton of fun. You might need more than one copy though…
We’ll start with the bit you probably want to know – is it any good? The answer is yes, it’s great, with a small caveat for younger players.
Explorers of Navoria is a concise, streamlined, tableau-building game, and I really like it.
Sea Salt & Paper is a great game which now happily nestles in my travel back of ‘card games to play anywhere with anyone’ along with the likes of Scout and 6 Nimmt.
Each turn, you’ll each choose two foxes – a mummy and a daddy – to have a special cuddle which will result in a baby fox. Ask your parents.
The White Castle packs a lot of game into a small box. Ugh, there, I said it. Are you happy?
That’s right people, I’ve got my finger on the pulse and am giving you – the game-loving, hotness-buying board game players – exactly what you want. 16-year-old games that nobody talks about any more.
Factory 42 takes the standard Euro worker-placement formula of ‘get stuff, make different stuff, get points for the new stuff’ and adds some pretty radical twists.