Category: Feature

hwo to get into board games

How to get into board games in 2024

Board games and card games have never been more popular, and new people join the hobby daily. Maybe you want to join them. Maybe you want to get into board games in 2024 but don’t know how or where to start.

I’m here to help you get started.

Airecon 2023 Convention Report

No matter which demographic you fall into, you’ll be made to feel welcome, and I’ll wager you a bratwurst from the food trucks that you leave with more friends than you arrived with.

halloween board game guide

The Halloween Board Game Guide

Now that we’re able to be in the same room as other people again, why not throw a Halloween party of your own, and get family and friends gathered around a table to turn the spook dial all the way up to 11.

My Top 10 Board Games of 2021

As another year draws to a close, my thoughts turn to the last 52 weeks and the games I played during them. I had more games competing for table time than ever before, and even got to play them with in-person, with real human beings. The games inside are the games I enjoyed most in 2021.