Game Complexity: Light

cosmoctopus box art

Cosmoctopus Review

Fans of lighter games, families dipping their toes in the waters of modern board games, and those of you who are part of a group that welcomes new members from time to time will take a lot from it

footsteps of darwin box art

In The Footsteps Of Darwin Review

In the Footsteps of Darwin is a game which will have you cursing your fellow players. You’ll catch yourself muttering “I can’t believe you took my wombat!”, and no one will bat an eyelid.

tokkuri taking box art

Tokkuri Taking Review

It’s not Super Long Nose Goblin for the PC Engine, it’s dinosaurs drinking sake in Tokkuri Taking, and it’s a lot of fun.

feed & breed box art

Feed & Breed Review

Feed & Breed is a super cute push-your-luck game about rabbits trying to collect food and avoid foxes, and it’s a lot of fun.

sidequest 7th sea box art

Sidequest: 7th Sea Review

If you’re looking for the short version of “Is it any good?”, then I can confirm that yes, it is. Stick around and let me explain why.

qawale mini box art

Qawale Mini Review

This isn’t a mini-review of Qawale. It’s a normal review of Qawale Mini, a smaller version of the hit abstract game from Gigamic. That said, it won’t be a long one, as it’s a quick, light abstract game.

faraway box art

Faraway Review

Faraway is one of those games that actually deserves the hype, and deserves its recent As d’Or win.

take the throne box art

Take The Throne Preview

When Jon from Deathtrap Games got in touch to see if I wanted to take a look at his game – Take The Throne – I jumped at the chance