Game Type: Co-operative

Co-operative games

sidequest 7th sea box art

Sidequest: 7th Sea Review

If you’re looking for the short version of “Is it any good?”, then I can confirm that yes, it is. Stick around and let me explain why.

malum hortus box art

Malum Hortus Preview

Malum Hortus is a cooperative game where you play nymphs, lured to a beautiful garden to frolic, or do whatever it is when nymphs have a few hours to kill. Some weeding, maybe?

midhalla box art

Midhalla Preview

Ever wanted to eliminate randomness in the combat in a crawler? How about adding tower defence elements? Ahh, got your attention now haven’t I? Buckle-up, Midhalla is a ride.

rogue angels box art

Rogue Angels Preview

I’ve played through several hours of the included campaign now, and I’ve got to tell you, it actually lives up to the claim. Rogue Angels is Mass Effect: The Board Game in all but name.

artisans of splendent vale box art

Artisans Of Splendent Vale Review

Artisans of Splendent Vale gives us a watercolour world full of diverse, non-stereotyped, pastel protagonists, breathing fresh life into tired tropes.

rear window box art

Rear Window Review

Dishing out clues to help the rest of the table figure out the identities – ringing any bells? That’s right folks, Mysterium. Rear Window shares a lot of design DNA with Mysterium

cloudspire box art

Cloudspire Review

With its roots firmly in the MOBA and Tower Defence genres of video games, Cloudspire aims to replicate the feel of a game like League of Legends, but in a tabletop form