Tagged: Tile-placement

rebirth box art

Rebirth Review

Three years ago I wrote a post about whether Reiner Knizia could stay relevant as a modern designe. I should have known better than to doubt him.

looot box art

Looot Review

Looot does a lot of things well. It combines two separate geometric puzzles – one shared, one personal – and asks you to figure out the best way to take advantage of the opportunities on each.

horseless carriage box art

Horseless Carriage Review

If you think games like Isle of Cats, A Feast For Odin, or even Barenpark are tricky tile-placement puzzles, then you ain’t seen nothing yet. Horseless Carriage is a harsh, unforgiving mistress.

diatoms box art

Diatoms Preview

Diatoms. We all know what they are, right? Yeah, of course we do, but just in case anyone doesn’t, let me explain.

barcelona box art

Barcelona Review

Barcelona is the latest Euro game from Board&Dice. It’s a mixture of tile-placement and action-selection, and while that sounds like a relatively easy mixture to cope with, there are a lot of things going on

oros box art

Oros Review

Oros is a unique game which deserves way more attention than it gets. If you’re one of those people who’s always looking for that undiscovered gem, or just want something different from anything you’ve played before, Oros is a fantastic choice.

akropolis box art

Akropolis Review

Akropolis would be tricky enough if was just a case of planning your own city because there are a buttload of decisions to make with every single tile choice and every single tile placement.

ynaros fallin box art

Ynaros Fallin’ Preview

Rival Shamans face off across a magical land, a magical land which is conveniently made of hexagons. Your aim: to become the most powerful Shaman the land has ever seen.