Tagged: Vital Lacerda

inventions box art

Inventions: Evolution of Ideas Review

Inventions is a great game. It’s a very expensive game, so make sure it’s one that will fit with your group, but if does, you’ll love it. It’s an ever-changing puzzle which your brain will simultaneously love and hate while you try to solve it.

the gallerist box art

The Gallerist Review

Visitors of three different kinds enter the game at the plaza, and it’s your job to bring them towards your gallery and away from the galleries of your rivals. Think of it like a connoisseur version of Hungry Hungry Hippos.

On Mars Review

Tackling On Mars was a daunting prospect. Both in terms of reviewing it, and in just learning how to play it properly. Both have been extremely rewarding exercises though. On Mars is one of the best games I’ve ever played, it’s as simple as that.