Category: Reviews

Dune Imperium Review

If you’re looking for a board game to go along with the Dune franchise of books, films, and TV series, you’re spoiled for choice. Rounding out the most-notable group of games is the one I’m looking at here, Dune Imperium.

Six Greetings Card Games (The Dark Imp) Review

Did you know that First-Class stamps are going up to 95 pence soon? 95p!!! If you’re going to send something in the post, you might as well make the most of it. What better way to make the most of an outrageously expensive stamp than to send someone a game?

Cytress Preview

When you get Cytress setup on the table, there’s no denying it makes for an impressive sight. The modular boards, plastic tubes, and garish neon hues all scream “Cyberpunk, yo”.

spacecorp box art

SpaceCorp 2025-2300AD Review

SpaceCorp is a game of exploration, expansion, and exploiting the precious resources found on other planets and asteroids. In fact, I guess you could call it a 3X game, instead of a 4X, as there’s not much in the way of extermination going on.

Maquis Review

Maquis from Side Room Games is an unusual worker-placement game, set in Nazi-occupied France in World War II. It’s unusual, because unlike just about every other worker-placement game out there, Maquis is designed for solo play. That’s right, a proper Euro game that’s just you against the game.

rescuing robin hood box art

Rescuing Robin Hood Review

As the name implies, Robin Hood has been captured by the Sheriff of Nottingham (boo, hiss), and it’s up to you to round up the villagers, defeat his guards, and rescue our hero in Lincoln green.

almadi box art

Almadi Review

If you’ve read The Arabian Nights (One Thousand and One Nights) collection of stories, you might be familiar with the fate of the sultan’s bride, Scheherazade. In Almadi, rather than kill her as he intended to, the sultan is won over by her tales, and decides to build her her own realm – Almadi.

canopy box art

Canopy Review

The word canopy conjures up three images for me. Parachutes, rainforests, and misheard hors d’ouevres. Canopy in this instance is about the one in the middle – rainforests.

anno 1800 box art

Anno 1800 (Board Game) Review

Anno 1800 has made the transition across the ethereal planes between digital and physical, and thanks to Martin Wallace and Kosmos Games, we can now play it on a table