Game Complexity: Light

long shot box art

Long Shot: The Dice Game Review

Horse racing might not be the first theme you think of when you’re choosing your next game. Other than people who like an occasional flutter on the Grand National, I don’t know a single person who’s actually into horse racing as a sport.

las vegas royale box art

Las Vegas Royale Review

There’s something about seeing how far you can push the whims of Lady Luck, in a safe environment, that appeals to pretty much everyone.

the gig box art

The Gig Preview

The Gig is a new mixture of genres to me. When it comes to board games, regular readers know I love roll- or flip-and-writes. While I’ve tried lots of different kinds, I’ve never played one with a real-time element.

cryptid box art

Cryptid: Urban Legends Review

When pictures of the box art for Cryptid: Urban Legends began surfacing, it’s fair to say I was a teeny bit excited. More Cryptid? Be still my beating heart!

Six Greetings Card Games (The Dark Imp) Review

Did you know that First-Class stamps are going up to 95 pence soon? 95p!!! If you’re going to send something in the post, you might as well make the most of it. What better way to make the most of an outrageously expensive stamp than to send someone a game?

almadi box art

Almadi Review

If you’ve read The Arabian Nights (One Thousand and One Nights) collection of stories, you might be familiar with the fate of the sultan’s bride, Scheherazade. In Almadi, rather than kill her as he intended to, the sultan is won over by her tales, and decides to build her her own realm – Almadi.

Bag Of Dungeon Review

Lots of good things come in bags. I’m a big fan of crisps, for example. But now, now dear reader, you can get a whole freaking dungeon in a bag! Bag of Dungeon is a dungeon-crawler game from Gunpowder Studios, which, unsurprisingly, comes in a bag.

Scooby doo box art

Scooby-Doo: Escape from the Haunted Mansion Review

Roiks Raggy! People fall into one of two categories: those who can do a passable Scooby-Doo impression, and those who think they can. Whichever group you fall into, you’ll want to call upon your inner Scoob’ to get stuck into Scooby-Doo: Escape from the Haunted Mansion.

TEN Review

“You’ve got to ask yourself one question: ‘Do I feel lucky?’ Well, do you, punk?”. Why yes, yes I do Harry Callahan. It’s a good thing too, as push-your-luck is one of my favourite things in a game.