Cuba Libre Review
If you found your way here as the result of looking for a review of Cuba Libre, there’s a good chance the question fuelling your Googling was: “Is this the best COIN game for a newbie to the series?”. The short answer is yes.
If you found your way here as the result of looking for a review of Cuba Libre, there’s a good chance the question fuelling your Googling was: “Is this the best COIN game for a newbie to the series?”. The short answer is yes.
Terracotta Army is based on the creation of the army of statues for the mausoleum of Qin Shi Shuang, who was the first emperor of China. In the game, the emperor has died, and you play the role of one of his craftspeople.
When is a T-game not a T-game? The answer is… I’m not sure. Board&Dice have a line of games that are lovingly referred to as the T-games, and I’ve covered some of them before. Let’s take a look at Tiletum.
All too often I’ve seen the hype for new games fade quicker than a cheap sparkler, but here we are, a year later, and people are still talking about Ark Nova. Mathias Wigge might not be a name you knew a year ago, so should you know it now?
Today I’m upping the ante with my recent dive into wargaming. Putting on my big boy trousers and stepping up to ‘hex and counter’ games. My first foray proper into this world is with Salerno ’43, a game from GMT Games and designer Mark Simonitch.
For such a simple action set to choose from, and with only three roles available in the entire game, Oath has no right to tickle your brain in the way it does.
Poleis is a war game, but not one with a ton of cardboard chits, or worrying about attack and defence values. In fact, it looks and feels more like a Euro game
Dice as workers, a historical theme with an unusual name beginning with the letter T, and tons of depth – it’s all in there. Let’s take a look at Tabannusi.
A post-apocalyptic, pretzels & Pabst, petrol-powered, powder keg of a game
Wargames tend to do asymmetry best. Crescent Moon is the new kid on the block, moving the strategy to a non-specific Caliphate, somewhere out in the desert.