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Palm Island Review

Palm Island Review

In a change from my usual style here, where I review games that tend to cover an entire table, today...
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Everdell Review

Everdell Review

If two of your favourite things are worker placement games, and anthropomorphised woodland creatures, then you're in for a treat
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I Have An 8-Bit Imagination

I Have An 8-Bit Imagination

For a long time I've been trying to work out what it is that really excites me when I take...
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Aeon’s End Legacy Review

Aeon’s End Legacy Review

Legacy games, if you're not familiar with them, tend to have things happen which permanently change the game as you...
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Men At Work Review

Men At Work Review

Balancing workers and materials in an increasingly unstable construction site - what could possibly go wrong? Let's take a look...
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Watergate Review

Watergate Review

I'm going to say right at the outset that I know 1970s American politics isn't a theme that's going to...
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Teotihuacan: City of Gods Review

Teotihuacan: City of Gods Review

What's special about Teotihuacan? Lots of Eurogames give you the feeling of building something. but how many let you physically...
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How To Play Mancala

How To Play Mancala

Mancala has been around for a long time. A very long time. There's evidence of the Romans playing it nearly...
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Ganz Schön Clever Review

Ganz Schön Clever Review

Ganz Schön Clever, also known as That's Pretty Clever, is a roll and write game from Schmidt, designed by Wolfgang...
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