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earth box art

Earth Review

Earth is the ideal game to play while you’re sitting around a table with people you like, having a chill time making little wooden towers.

diatoms box art

Diatoms Preview

Diatoms. We all know what they are, right? Yeah, of course we do, but just in case anyone doesn’t, let me explain.

books of time box art

Books Of Time Review

Books of Time hit me right in the nostalgia. Not because I’ve played another game like it, because I’m not sure I have, but because of the sound.

malum hortus box art

Malum Hortus Preview

Malum Hortus is a cooperative game where you play nymphs, lured to a beautiful garden to frolic, or do whatever it is when nymphs have a few hours to kill. Some weeding, maybe?

fred interview cover image

An interview with Fred Serval

You might know Fred best as the face of Homo Ludens, his historical- and wargame-focused Youtube channel. What you didn’t know, however, is that I’m pulling a double switcheroo on you today!

barrage box art

Barrage Review

Daaaaam! Literally, dam, because that’s what you’re building in Barrage – dams. Also conduits, powerhouses and elevations, but ‘Coooonduit!’ doesn’t have quite the same ring.

barcelona box art

Barcelona Review

Barcelona is the latest Euro game from Board&Dice. It’s a mixture of tile-placement and action-selection, and while that sounds like a relatively easy mixture to cope with, there are a lot of things going on

midhalla box art

Midhalla Preview

Ever wanted to eliminate randomness in the combat in a crawler? How about adding tower defence elements? Ahh, got your attention now haven’t I? Buckle-up, Midhalla is a ride.