Punchboard has a partner – Kienda!

punchboard and kienda logos

I’m pleased to announce that I’ve teamed up with online board game retailer Kienda.

kienda logo

It’s good news for me, as it means I’ll have more board game reviews to bring you, and it’s good news for you, as I’ll be able to offer things like discounts and giveaways. Straight away you can get 5% off your first order over £60 if you sign-up at kienda.co.uk/punchboard.

If you’re not familiar with Kienda, they’ve been around for a couple of years now, offer very competitive prices, and get some hard-to-find stuff in stock. I don’t know of many places with Splotter games, or Brazil: Imperial (which I bought a couple of months back) at the moment, for example.

There are probably a few of you with a raised eyebrow or two now, wondering what it means in terms of my integrity, standards, and everything else that goes along with writing reviews. Here’s my pre-emptive FAQ.

The details

Q. Go on, how much money are you making out of this?
A. Not one penny. Seriously, no money. What I get is store credit to buy review copies, but that’s it. I might also get sent some other games to review from time to time. The new speedboat will have to wait.

Q. Ah, so you have to write nice things about the games they send you, so they sell more games?
A. Nope. I choose which games I use my credit on, and I write my own reviews. Not advertising, not fluff pieces – reviews. I made this clear very early on in my conversations with Kienda, and they happily agreed. I won’t recommend a game I don’t think is good.

Q. It still sounds like you’re a big sell-out. Why should I still trust what you write?
A. I’ve had review copies of games sent to me by loads of different publishers for years now. This is no different. It’s just another place being good enough to provide me with games I might not otherwise afford so that I can tell you what I think about them.

True, you might see lots of favourable reviews from me, but that’s because I can choose which games I cover, not just those that a publisher chooses to send me. Just like you, I’m not likely to buy games I think I’ll dislike.

Q. What’s in it for Kienda?
A. I’ll be adding links to the games in their store when I review games they stock. You might see me tag them in social media posts. That’s about it. I have a link which will give you 5% off your first £60 purchase with them, which benefits you, and they get to sell more games, which benefits them.

I’m very excited about teaming up with them. It means more games for me to cover, and it means I can give something back to you, my readers, when I get the chance. What I especially like is that it’s a proper board game retailer, not an international mega-corporation.

If you still have any questions or concerns, please just come and find me on Twitter, Facebook, Discord, or email me.

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