Tagged: 1-4 Players

Bonfire Review

Update – Video review added.
Does the idea of gnomes, islands, guardians and bonfires get you excited? No? How about shells, fruit, roots and portals? Getting somewhere yet? Hmmm. Okay, how about a lavish new Stefan Feld game, full of mechanisms, strategy and gorgeous artwork? Ahhh, now I’ve got your attention! Let’s have a look at Bonfire, his big new game for 2020.

PingYao First Impressions

Pingyao: The First Chinese Banks is getting a release in English through Kickstarter in January, and I joined the publisher for an online playthrough. Here’s how it went.

Nemo’s War (2nd edition) Review

Update – Video review added.

Nemo’s War 2nd Edition pays homage to Jules Verne’s classic novel, Twenty Thousand Leagues Under The Sea. It’s a game designed from the ground-up to be a solo experience, and uses the content of the original book to create a narrative game that’s unlike any I’ve played before.

The Baker Street Irregulars Review

The Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective series of games have been around for nearly 40 years now, and this year saw the release of the latest of the bunch – The Baker Street Irregulars. Let’s see how good it is.

Spirit Island Review

A lot of Eurogames involve building up a town, a city, a land, or an empire. But what happens when the formula gets flipped on its head? What happens when we actively try to prevent the growth and expansion? Let’s find out with R. Eric Reuss’ 2017 game, Spirit Island.

Silver & Gold Review

Silver & Gold. Designed by Phil Walker-Harding and published in 2019, this small box flip and write game promises treasure island fun for the family, but does it deliver? Let’s have a look.

Everdell Review

If two of your favourite things are worker placement games, and anthropomorphised woodland creatures, then you’re in for a treat

Aeon’s End Legacy Review

Legacy games, if you’re not familiar with them, tend to have things happen which permanently change the game as you play. Aeon’s End Legacy takes this format and applies it to this fanstasy deckbuilding franchise, so let’s have a look at the game.

Teotihuacan: City of Gods Review

What’s special about Teotihuacan? Lots of Eurogames give you the feeling of building something. but how many let you physically build something magnificent, right there on the board?

Paladins of the West Kingdom Review

Shem Phillips has been churning out good games for years. As well as his trilogy of North Sea games, he’s been working away at the West Kingdom series. 2018’s Architects of the West Kingdom has be followed by Paladins, a slightly heavier worker placement Euro.