Tagged: Worker Placement

Euphoria + Expansion Review

Way back in 2013, Stonemaier Games published a worker placement game called Euphoria: Build a Better Dystopia. Fast-forward six years and they released an expansion called Ignorance is Bliss. Here’s what happens when you put them together.

PingYao First Impressions

Pingyao: The First Chinese Banks is getting a release in English through Kickstarter in January, and I joined the publisher for an online playthrough. Here’s how it went.

Everdell Review

If two of your favourite things are worker placement games, and anthropomorphised woodland creatures, then you’re in for a treat

Teotihuacan: City of Gods Review

What’s special about Teotihuacan? Lots of Eurogames give you the feeling of building something. but how many let you physically build something magnificent, right there on the board?

Paladins of the West Kingdom Review

Shem Phillips has been churning out good games for years. As well as his trilogy of North Sea games, he’s been working away at the West Kingdom series. 2018’s Architects of the West Kingdom has be followed by Paladins, a slightly heavier worker placement Euro.

Nusfjord Review

Let’s take a look at Nusfjord, Uwe Rosenberg’s fishing tour de force, as we review this charming worker placement game