Game Complexity: Medium

Ride The Rails Review

Ride The Rails, from Capstone Games, takes the ‘invest in a train company’ formula and boils it down into a much simpler, quicker game. It’s from a sub-genre known as Cube Rails, and it’s number 2 in Capstone’s Iron Rail series

Destinies Review

Through a mixture of placing tiles and rolling dice, players assume the role of a character in each scenario, and choose how best to fulfil their own destiny, while others race to do the same.

Root Review (+ expansions)

Looks can be misleading. The first time you take a look at Root’s box and artwork, you could be forgiven for thinking this is a cutesy woodland game.

Blood of the Northmen Review

The aim of the game is to either grow your clan large enough to form the nation of Bjarmia (I googled it, it was a real thing), or kick enough ass to win through sheer dominance.

Santa Monica Review

Santa Monica is a game where you’re trying to develop a neighbourhood in South California, and trying to choose the features which will score you the most points.

Distilled Preview

In Distilled, you play the role of a character who has inherited an abandoned distillery. Your goal is to return it to its former glory, restoring your family’s name, and earning yourself the title of Master Distiller.

Black Sonata Review

Black Sonata puts you in London in the early 1600s, tracking down Shakespeare’s elusive temptress and trying to determine her true identity.

Chronicles of Crime: 1900 Review

The first Chronicles of Crime game was set in present time, then came the follow-up, set in 1400. Fast-forward half a millennium, and we’re looking at the latest game – Chronicles of Crime: 1900

Langskip Preview

So you’re a Viking. And you’re dead. You’re a dead Viking. That’s where Langskip starts off, in this light, small box game from Crab Studios. It holds the unusual honour of being the second Viking-themed race game I’ve played.