Call Of Kilforth Review
Call of Kilforth does all of the things I like in a fantasy game while avoiding plenty of pitfalls.
Call of Kilforth does all of the things I like in a fantasy game while avoiding plenty of pitfalls.
What initially looks like a light tile-laying game soon reveals itself to be a shrewd, interactive puzzle that a lot of people are really going to enjoy.
Each turn, you’ll each choose two foxes – a mummy and a daddy – to have a special cuddle which will result in a baby fox. Ask your parents.
The White Castle packs a lot of game into a small box. Ugh, there, I said it. Are you happy?
That’s right people, I’ve got my finger on the pulse and am giving you – the game-loving, hotness-buying board game players – exactly what you want. 16-year-old games that nobody talks about any more.
Stop Press! Woodland creatures produce their own newspapers!
The Old King’s Crown has been sending ripples across my radar for a few years now, and with those ripples turning into waves after big showings at conventions like the UK Games Expo, I had big expectations
Earth is the ideal game to play while you’re sitting around a table with people you like, having a chill time making little wooden towers.
Books of Time hit me right in the nostalgia. Not because I’ve played another game like it, because I’m not sure I have, but because of the sound.
A game about solving a mystery in a game factory, solving puzzles with parts of board games? Be still my beating heart.