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How To Play Mancala

How To Play Mancala

Mancala has been around for a long time. A very long time. There's evidence of the Romans playing it nearly...
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Ganz Schön Clever Review

Ganz Schön Clever Review

Ganz Schön Clever, also known as That's Pretty Clever, is a roll and write game from Schmidt, designed by Wolfgang...
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Games and mental Health

Games and mental Health

It's my first personal reflection on this site, but it's something that really struck me after playing a game this...
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Paladins of the West Kingdom Review

Paladins of the West Kingdom Review

Shem Phillips has been churning out good games for years. As well as his trilogy of North Sea games, he's...
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Maracaibo Review

Maracaibo Review

There's something about games set in tropical waters that I just love. I bought Merchants and Marauders back in the...
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Nusfjord Review

Nusfjord Review

Let's take a look at Nusfjord, Uwe Rosenberg's fishing tour de force, as we review this charming worker placement game
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