Barcelona Review
Barcelona is the latest Euro game from Board&Dice. It’s a mixture of tile-placement and action-selection, and while that sounds like a relatively easy mixture to cope with, there are a lot of things going on
Barcelona is the latest Euro game from Board&Dice. It’s a mixture of tile-placement and action-selection, and while that sounds like a relatively easy mixture to cope with, there are a lot of things going on
Visitors of three different kinds enter the game at the plaza, and it’s your job to bring them towards your gallery and away from the galleries of your rivals. Think of it like a connoisseur version of Hungry Hungry Hippos.
Revive picks the things it wants to do – and there are a lot of them – and does each of them really well. Is it enough to revive the interests of those of you bored-to-death of Euros full of mechanisms?
For most of the game your boats are in some kind of quantum state, which sounds ridiculous I know, and I’m almost certainly misrepresenting quantum mechanics, but that’s where we are.
Skymines is a blast. I’ve taught it to my regular group and they all had a great time with it. It’s a strange game in as much as there’s quite a lot going on, but it never feels like it’s too much.
The strategic action is brilliant. It’s clever, engaging, thoughtful, and a lot of fun, but there’s some thick armour that needs penetrating before you get there.
If you’ve found your way here in 2023, it’s likely it’s because you’ve heard the fuss and want to board the steam locomotive hype train. There’s one question on your lips, and I’m here to answer it for you.
Fire in the Lake is the 4th game in the COIN (COunter-INsurgency) series, initially known to me as “That Vietnam one with the great box art”.
If you found your way here as the result of looking for a review of Cuba Libre, there’s a good chance the question fuelling your Googling was: “Is this the best COIN game for a newbie to the series?”. The short answer is yes.
Terracotta Army is based on the creation of the army of statues for the mausoleum of Qin Shi Shuang, who was the first emperor of China. In the game, the emperor has died, and you play the role of one of his craftspeople.