Libertalia: Winds of Galecrest Review
Libertalia: Winds of Galecrest is not only as piratey as a middle-aged man in eyeliner, it’s a darn good game too.
Libertalia: Winds of Galecrest is not only as piratey as a middle-aged man in eyeliner, it’s a darn good game too.
The Guild of Merchant Explorers doesn’t just look like a fancy version of Kingdom Builder, it actually plays like one too.
Let me guess. You found your way here because you’re board-game-curious and heard that Obsession has a Pride and Prejudice / Jane Austen vibe. How am I doing so far?
If you found your way here as the result of looking for a review of Cuba Libre, there’s a good chance the question fuelling your Googling was: “Is this the best COIN game for a newbie to the series?”. The short answer is yes.
Shake That City is a tile-laying puzzle game with really light rules. The (very tenuous) theme has you choosing a series of tiles to make your own little city on your 5×5 grid boards. “But Adam, how am I – a lowly civil engineer – meant to choose which buildings and infrastructure go into my city?”. Don’t worry, friend, that’s where the cube shaker comes in.
You’re on a shuttle, heading from Ganymede (one of Jupiter’s moons) to one of the moons of a red dwarf called Demeter. You’re heading there because they’re extremely similar to Earth, and as luck would have it, they’ve discovered dinosaurs on one of the moons.
Dinosaurs. In. Space.
Terracotta Army is based on the creation of the army of statues for the mausoleum of Qin Shi Shuang, who was the first emperor of China. In the game, the emperor has died, and you play the role of one of his craftspeople.
When is a T-game not a T-game? The answer is… I’m not sure. Board&Dice have a line of games that are lovingly referred to as the T-games, and I’ve covered some of them before. Let’s take a look at Tiletum.
I’d love to stroke a bumblebee, they look sooo fluffy. Waggle Dance is a new version of the classic game from Mike Nudd, from Bright Eye Games.
All too often I’ve seen the hype for new games fade quicker than a cheap sparkler, but here we are, a year later, and people are still talking about Ark Nova. Mathias Wigge might not be a name you knew a year ago, so should you know it now?