Author: Adam

My top games of 2022

One of the doctrines of the Grand Order of Games Media (or so I’m told, I’m just an Initiate) is:

Thou shalt release a top ten games of the year, every year, lest you be fed to the Ancient One, Kuh’Nhizhya

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Eleven Review

Eleven surprised me. Eleven has shown me that it is possible to make a good game based around a sport, as long as it doesn’t try to directly mimic the sport itself.

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Obsession Review

Let me guess. You found your way here because you’re board-game-curious and heard that Obsession has a Pride and Prejudice / Jane Austen vibe. How am I doing so far?

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Cuba Libre Review

If you found your way here as the result of looking for a review of Cuba Libre, there’s a good chance the question fuelling your Googling was: “Is this the best COIN game for a newbie to the series?”. The short answer is yes.

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Shake That City Review

Shake That City is a tile-laying puzzle game with really light rules. The (very tenuous) theme has you choosing a series of tiles to make your own little city on your 5×5 grid boards. “But Adam, how am I – a lowly civil engineer – meant to choose which buildings and infrastructure go into my city?”. Don’t worry, friend, that’s where the cube shaker comes in.

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GridCon 3 (2022) Convention Report

GridCon is an annual board game convention held in the South-West of the UK. It just so happens that I a) live a couple of hours down the road from it, and b) am a Patreon supporter of the organiser, Paul Grogan, so there was no way I wasn’t going back again this year.

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Demeter + Autumn & Winter Expansion Review

You’re on a shuttle, heading from Ganymede (one of Jupiter’s moons) to one of the moons of a red dwarf called Demeter. You’re heading there because they’re extremely similar to Earth, and as luck would have it, they’ve discovered dinosaurs on one of the moons.

Dinosaurs. In. Space.