Everdell Review
If two of your favourite things are worker placement games, and anthropomorphised woodland creatures, then you’re in for a treat
If two of your favourite things are worker placement games, and anthropomorphised woodland creatures, then you’re in for a treat
For a long time I’ve been trying to work out what it is that really excites me when I take a game box in my hands. Don’t gt me wrong, I get excited about playing the games, but there’s something less tangible, something really on the tip of my brain.
Legacy games, if you’re not familiar with them, tend to have things happen which permanently change the game as you play. Aeon’s End Legacy takes this format and applies it to this fanstasy deckbuilding franchise, so let’s have a look at the game.
Balancing workers and materials in an increasingly unstable construction site – what could possibly go wrong? Let’s take a look at Pretzel Games’ 2019 dexterity game, Men At Work, and find out.
I’m going to say right at the outset that I know 1970s American politics isn’t a theme that’s going to set everyone’s heart a-flutter. However, I’d urge you to read this review all the same, because to turn your nose up at Watergate without looking deeper could be doing your collection a major disservice.
What’s special about Teotihuacan? Lots of Eurogames give you the feeling of building something. but how many let you physically build something magnificent, right there on the board?
Mancala has been around for a long time. A very long time. There’s evidence of the Romans playing it nearly two thousand years ago, and some historians believe it’s over six thousand years old. There must be a reason people keep playing the game, even now, so let’s have a look at how to play it.
Ganz Schön Clever, also known as That’s Pretty Clever, is a roll and write game from Schmidt, designed by Wolfgang Warsch. It’s a nice little game that you can take anywhere and plays in around 10-15 minutes per player.
It’s my first personal reflection on this site, but it’s something that really struck me after playing a game this morning, so I wanted to take the time to write about it.
Shem Phillips has been churning out good games for years. As well as his trilogy of North Sea games, he’s been working away at the West Kingdom series. 2018’s Architects of the West Kingdom has be followed by Paladins, a slightly heavier worker placement Euro.